ICBO2018 paper submissions

ICBO 2018 is inviting scientific papers and extended conference abstracts. In addition to the invited talks, the program committee and the workshop organizers will be inviting a selected number of talks for the plenary sessions.

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  • For your convenience use the following template with formatting
  • All papers regardless of submision type listed in the following table should be submitted in the PDF format and must use the template style/format.
  • Please adhere carefully to the page length requirements as mentioned in the following table.
  • Select the submission type listed in the table below.
  • Go to ICBO2018 EasyChair site https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icbo2018 to submit your papers.
    • The EasyChair website requires you to login.
    • All submissions must include a short abstract.
    • You must identify a speaker/presenter.
  • At least one author from each paper must register for ​the meeting​ in order to have your accepted submission included in the proceedings ​of the meeting.
  • Where authors are involved in more than one submission, a distinct author must register for each accepted paper.


Submission Type Page limit Suggested Content

Posters and Demos

(Extended Abstract)

2 pages

Include screenshots and links to tools, resources and demos

Posters: A poster abstract describes formative work, early or preliminary results, late-breaking developments, minor refinements to existing ontologies proposed or planned applications of ontologies to particular use cases, and the opportunity to showcase mature work in a visual format.

Demos: Demonstrations showcase innovative uses of ontologies and engage the audience providing a deeper understanding of how the software works, how different parts of the system interact, and the ways in which ontologies form a core aspect of the solution.

Short Papers (including Early career Papers)

4 pages

Students/post-docs/junior faculty should be the first authors

An early career track paper describes mentored work in the field of ontology carried out by a student (undergraduate and graduate), post-doctoral fellow or junior faculty (within 5 years of appointment), who must be the first author on the paper. This category of paper gives early career ontologists the opportunity to benefit from constructive criticism, feedback, and advice from a broad audience of senior scientists and practitioners in the field. Selected early career papers will be promoted to main track of conference while still being designated as having come through early career submissions.

Full Papers

Up to 6 pages

A scientific paper may describe a major advance in the field of biological and biomedical ontologies. It can report and/or discuss a new ontology, a major revision or extension to an existing ontology, new applications of an existing ontology or a potentially new ontology, a substantial critique of an existing ontology with a proposed alternative approach, the result of applying an ontology - for example, data interoperability, data sharing, BIG-data analysis, high-throughput methods, novel analytical reasoners, annotated resources, etc. Minor additions and/or refinements to an existing ontology are not appropriate.

A scientific paper may also describe thorough analysis of foundational issues in biological and biomedical ontologies without the requirement for a use case or specific application domain. Advancements and innovations in the field benefit from theoretical analysis and discussion.


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