ICBO_2018_76: Designing and Building the IC-FOODS Foundry: Community, Technology, and Standards for a Semantic Web of Food


<p>It is becoming increasingly clear that precise and sustainable cultivation methods informed by air, water, soil, plant, animal, and climate/weather sensors are capable of repairing landscapes, improving carbon sequestration, and reducing toxic runoff while also providing enough food to feed the planet. Simultaneously, compounding evidence demonstrates that appropriately guided food habits for individuals, informed by multi-omic interrogations of biomolecules together with lifestyle/activity data, hold potential for preventing disease and improving quality of life while also extending it. Food remains a key socio-cultural artifact representing status, religion, and clanship while also acting as a confluence for exchange of stories and sharing in delight. These stories and experiences are increasingly written, cataloged, annotated, and shared through modern social media channels. Increases in traditional and social media coverage about food has heightened consumer awareness while increasing consumer expectations for knowledge about how their food is grown, made, delivered and served. Food producers, processors, distributors and consumers all need computable languages underpinning data stores to make them findable, accessible, discoverable, and reusable (FAIR). IC-FOODS, the International Consortium for Food Ontology Operability Data and Semantics (IC-FOODS) was established with a primary mission: the design, assembly, and build of the Internet of Food (IoF). At the heart of the IoF is the Semantic Web of Food, whose language core is an emerging set of core ontologies that span the environment&lt;&gt;agriculture&lt;&gt;food processing&lt;&gt;food distribution&lt;&gt;diet&lt;&gt;food consumption/sensory experience&lt;&gt;health knowledge spectrum. Key to its mission is the establishment of working groups dedicated to aligning extant vocabularies with each other and with emerging scientific and gastronomic concepts. Sanding on the shoulders of the OBO (Open Biological Ontologies) Foundry, IC-FOODS is developing an integrated Foundry dedicated to ontologies related to Food and Food Systems. Whereas OBO is a natural home for biological ontologies about food--several ontologies related to food are only partially biological in their nature. These include ontologies of food processing and machinery, food industry, and economics/trade. This presentation outlines the strategies for implementing workgroups and technologies for building the IC-FOODS Foundry together with tightly coupled integration with the OBO Foundry.</p>

Year of Publication
Conference Name
International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2018)
Date Published
International Conference on Biological Ontology
Conference Location
Corvallis, OR
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